
1:1 Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

(All services- $77/30min or $155/60min)

What is Holistic Nutrition and Health Coaching? 

Holistic nutrition and health coaching is an integrative approach toward optimal health. This includes dismantling limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, integrating mindfulness, and focusing on nourishing yourself nutritionally, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that you can become the best version of YOU that YOU can be. 

Everything you need is already inside of you, if you are ready to take back your health and rediscover and reconnect to who YOU truly are, schedule your FREE consultation today! 

Breath Work

We tend to take this precious life force for granted. The quality of your breathing is connected to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

As a result of stress, anxiety, busy lives, trauma, and spending too much time in fight-or-flight mode, many people aren’t breathing properly. When we are in a state of stress, our sympathetic nervous system is activated, and a cascade of stress hormones is released, triggering a stress response. This response affects many systems of the body. Consequently, the breathing rate and pattern become shallower and shorter, disrupting the balance of gas exchange, and reducing the amount of oxygen distributed throughout the body. In addition to unpleasant physical symptoms, this disruption may cause anxiety, depression, cognitive impairment, high blood pressure, and immune suppression. Breaths that are deeper and longer activate the parasympathetic nervous system, releasing feel-good hormones. This sends signals that stimulate relaxation and have a calming effect on the body and mind.  

Breath work involves intentional breathing exercises to influence and improve physical and mental health.  

Benefits of Breath Work Include: 

  • Stress reduction  

  • An overall feeling of calmness 

  • Improves quality of sleep 

  • Improves cognitive function 

  • Enhances immune function 

  • Aids in detoxification 

  • Energizing 

  • Improves mental health 

  • Connects you to your body promoting a feeling of safety/ healing and releasing past traumas 

  • Improves respiratory health 

  • Improves cardiovascular health  

  • Restores balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems 

  • Tones digestive organs and improves digestion  

  • Improves blood oxygenation 

1:1 Meditation


1:1 meditation is for those who would like to learn the practice of meditation, and how to integrate it into your daily life. Meditation is an ancient practice, a mental exercise involving relaxation, focused concentration, and awareness. It is uniting the mind and body by directing oneself back to the present moment. Although meditation has been practiced within religious and spiritual contexts, meditation can be practiced by anyone without any conflict with one’s faith or religion. Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Science has shown that meditation directly affects brain chemistry, resulting in various neurological, physiological, and psychological benefits. Meditation is widely practiced to reduce stress and improve one’s overall health and well-being. In addition to stress reduction, some of the many benefits of meditation include a decrease in symptoms of anxiety and depression, improved attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being, improved immune system function, reduction in pain, lower blood pressure, improved memory, increase energy, better digestion and gut health, reduces inflammation, better sleep, and the list goes on. There are many myths and misconceptions that deter one from trying meditation. I used to think that meditation wasn’t for me because I had too much energy, my mind raced too much, or I could not sit still. I decided to try it anyway and here I am now meditating anywhere from 1-3 times a day, and because of the profound impact meditation has had on my overall health and well-being, I now teach others. Meditation is easy to learn, and there is really no right or wrong way to do it. It is a daily practice, a date with mySelf that I never want to miss.